Aparan reservoir – Garni
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Routine 2
Again we want to remind that we will pass from Lori region to Syunik region but as there are people who can’t do the whole programm as they have work or other things to do we splited it into 4 parts. After every part we’ll have a day off when we will recover and gain energy as well as spend an interesting time. Anyone who wants can choose the most interesting one from that 4 parts and join if they can’t join the whole programm.
From Aparan reservoir to Garni
This is the second part of our routine which is the shortest part with days. We will pass the Tsaghkunyats mountains and will climb the mountain Teghenis. The we’ll clomb the mountains Hatis and Gutanasar and finish the routine in Garni. It’s the shortest with the days but not with the length of the routine. The views from the mountains are going to be amazing. We’ll have 3 overnights all in tents.We’ll walk 4 days each ow which is going to be unique and different. In tents we’ll eat dishes made on the bonfire. Totally we’ll hike 95km, climbing 4200m and descending 4500m relative hight. We’ll pass two regions-whole Aragatsotn and from west to sourh of Kotayk.